
You are years old now and your average monthly expenses are   .
You assume the inflation to be % and You would like to name this goal as

Assess Your Risk Tolerance

We will ask you a set of questions to get to know you!

Step 1: Describe your knowledge of investments:

Assess Your Risk Tolerance

We will ask you a set of questions to get to know you!

Step 2: When you invest your money, you are:

Assess Your Risk Tolerance

We will ask you a set of questions to get to know you!

Step 3: If the market lost 25% in the last few months, and your investments
also suffered the same - what would be your first impulse?

Assess Your Risk Tolerance

We will ask you a set of questions to get to know you!

Step 4: Have you ever invested in shares or mutual funds? If yes, for how many years?

Assess Your Risk Tolerance

We will ask you a set of questions to get to know you!

Step 5: To obtain a return of more than what you would receive
as a bank fixed deposit, you must take risks.

Assess Your Risk Tolerance

We will ask you a set of questions to get to know you!

Step 6: How do you react to the idea of investments?

Goal Summary

Your Targeted Amount:

Future cost of Emergency:

Achievable with a monthly SIP of

(You Need To Save: Years)

Future Value of Higher Education


Total Future Value

Goal Summary

Your targeted Amount (Inflation adjusted 5% per annum)
Number of years you need to save
Monthly SIP investment required
Target Amount
SIP Amount
Total Months
Total Investment
Total Growth
Future Worth
Expected Rate of Return
Disclaimer: Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Investors should consult with their Mutual Fund Distributor or Financial Advisor before investing.